Monday, February 2, 2009

I Need Your Help

I am potty training Forrest today. Please lend me your wisdom.


  1. Let him go all day without pants. Seriously it works. Micah HATED it (he has issues with nude children) but it really worked.

    I also set a timer and put Miley on the potty every 20 minutes even if she didn't need to go.

    Forrest is such an good little boy and you are an awesome mom I sure it will be a snap ;)

  2. the timer tip is a good one. start first thing in the am b/c bladder is full. also: tons of h2o, juice pop, anything u can get him to drink. gook luck!

  3. Patience, it isn't going to happen in one day so just try to be patient with him. In my experience putting them on the potty on a timer didn't work. If I tried to put them on when they didn't need to go it made them frustrated. Instead I just asked them regularly, praised them when they went in the potty and didn't make a big deal about accidents. I also think pull ups are wonderful. Good luck

  4. Yep, patience, time and bribes = potty trained. I highly recommend buying the potty seat covers that stick right to the nasty public toilet and cover the sides so that your kid doesn't touch the whole thing. Really save my sanity when you have to go gross places. You can get them at Babies R' Us for sure.
