Tuesday, April 27, 2010

like my new header?

Me too.

Bryon, an awesome photographer who also happens to be one heckuva nice guy did our family pictures. He took so many adorable pics of my kids I had a really hard time selecting a few for the old blog.

I'm sure he would be happy to take your photo too. Maybe wait until this semester is over to contact him though since he is currently taking 99 credit hours and working full time.

Thanks Bryon. Did I mention that we love, love, love the pictures?

p.s. after we finished our little photo shoot I sat down in the car and noticed that the back of my leg felt really lumpy through my jeans. I then proceeded to pull out an entire pair of garment bottoms that had been wadded up in my jeans. Yep, I had been walking around all day like that getting my picture taken.

Friday, April 23, 2010

object lesson

Today on my way home from picking up my kiddies from my mom's house, I decided to stop by Crown Burger for dinner. Quinn is at scout camp. I felt like a cheeseburger. I didn't feel like cooking one.

We ate. We hung out. We had fascinating conversations about upcoming grandma's birthday parties, super-heroes, primary activities, and cousin Morgan.

When it was time to head out I made the horrifying discovery that I had lost my keys. I was pretty sure they were in the locked car somewhere (which they were).

I was rescued by several people. Let's begin with the nice guy who gave me rubber gloves. Then there was the nicer lady who also donned rubber gloves and helped me dig through the garbage, next we come to the lady (whom I didn't know from Adam....er Eve) who lives in a nearby town and offered to give me a ride home (too bad I needed the carseats out of the locked car), then there was the gentleman who took special care to inspect my car very closely through the closed windows and crawled around on his hands and knees in the parking lot in case the keys had somehow ended up underneath the car. someone at the restaurant even gave my kids free ice cream cones while we waited.

The biggest heroes of the night were my folks. I tellya they come through for me every time. I am tearing up right now just thinking about them. They spontaneously and completely abandoned their Friday night plans for me. My dad drove an hour+ to get my extra keys while my mom stayed and hung out with me and my rowdies.

Oh, did I mention that I am teaching a lesson on service in Relief Society on Sunday? Hmm....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A three-year-old's idea of treasure is...

Me: Good morning, Forrest! Did you have good dreams?

Forrest: I did. I had a dream about you mommy (points directly into my face).

Me: What happened in your dream?

Forrest: You and me and Daddy and Lola were hunting for a treasure.

Me: Did we find it?

Forrest: YES!

Me: What was the treasure?

Forrest: It was a box with a TELESCOPE and a SWORD (totally shouting)!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm Still Alive

Well, in case you were wondering, I am still alive. Things just keep happening that I want to blog about and then I don't get around to it and then I just feel overwhelmed whenever I think about blogging.

Should I post about our little trip to the sleazy city of sin? Quinn had to go to Las Vegas for work and (after checking the weather forecast) I decided to tag along. Save for the sleaziness it was fun. I spent an entire day all.by.my.self. laying out by the pool. It was incredible. Thanks to Jen, Sara, and Mom for caring for my little preciouses while we were gone. I love you guys.

Should I blog about the tithing jars we made for fhe last night? So cute. Quinn's idea. Aint he something?

Should I blog about how I love Dave Ramsey? I was on my way to the bird refuge with the scouts last week when my car exploded and ended up costing $940 beans to repair. Thanks Dave Ramsey because without you we probably wouldn't have had the emergency fund sitting around waiting for something like this to happen so we could pay for that instead of new furniture.

Should I blog about how we had a fun Easter? Since it doubled as conference, we spent the day at Grams and Gramps.

Should I blog about how much I love my family? Well, I do.

Should I blog about how Forrest just told me, "I like ninjas. Ninjas are cool. I would like to meet some ninjas." He also told me this morning that he wanted to meet the lady from my workout video. Hmmm.

Should I blog about how Lola insists on changing her own diaper. Or about how she talked to and giggled with the snowman we made this morning? Since this is what we awoke to today:

I'm not kidding about how much she loved the snowman. She gave him a kiss goodbye when we had to go inside.

You now probably need to check into detox because you've had an Our Esprit overdose.