Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I adore my in-laws. They are generous, kind, funny, thoughtful people. However, they do have one little quirk. They tend to...ahem..."save" things for a long time (in some cases, a very long time. Here, I am referring to the box of Luvs diapers in the basement from the 1970's.).

The other day I happened upon my 2 1/2 year old playing with a few of Quinn's old He-Men that his mother has "saved" since Quinn was a little tyke. Forr was playing with the one that was called, Enormous Golden Hand

and the blue one with the skeleton face, I think he was called Skeletor.

I hear him say, "you have nipples. Yep, and you have nipples. Let's FIGHT!" Then he started smacking them into each other. In case you can't tell from the pictures, Enormous Golden Hand and Skeletor do have nipples. And hairy speedos.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


You heard it here first, folks (unless you have already heard it somewhere else): My lil sis is gettin' hitched.

Aren't they a handsome couple?

This is huge. Huge. Chelsea's wedding is an event that I have looked forward to with curiosity and excitement for years. I have often wondered what type of a guy she would select to trek life's journey with. Not just anybody would be good enough for my only sister. Luckily she found Andrew (on public transportation, none the less).

I remember the first time we met him. Chad and Lisa were in town and we were all eating lunch at Hires. Cleo looked at him and asked, "what's he doing here?" Andrew totally took it in stride. He fits in perfectly with our family and the two of them could not be a cuter couple.

The big day is going to be in August. CanNOT wait.

Oh yeah, I really wish I would have taken a photo of Chelsea's gorgeous engagement ring on her lovely, slender finger. Her ring is so delicate and pretty and barely fits on my pinky finger.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Freeze Frame

Right now...

1. Working for Questar.
2. Central Serous Corioretinopathy (weird eye thing he has got going on).
3. Scouts, scouts, scouts.
4. Guns, guns, guns.
5. Furiously saving money for a down payment on a home.

1. Compulsively looking at homes for sale.
2. Trying very hard to furiously save money for a down payment on a home.
3. Sopping up urine in random places (potty training Forr).
4. Watching cute Liam a few days per week.
5. Working a few days per week.

1. Being such a good boy and going to the bathroom in the potty (most of the time).
2. Scowling and growling a lot at people.
3. Helps mommy with cleaning and cooking.
4. Luffubye (Love you, bye. He whispers this everytime he is finished talking to someone on the phone).
5. Loves to play "king's x" with Grandpa Evans.

1. Pulling herself up on everything.
2. Crawling around at astonishing speeds and getting into everything.
3. Loves eating and taking baths.
4. Plays peekaboo.
5. Loves to clap and wave and play pat-a-cake.