Thursday, February 25, 2010

Have you read it yet?

Twilight + Survivor + Ender's Game = The Hunger Games.

Thanks Michelle for lending it to me. My family, however, doesn't thank you because for the last few days Quinn has worn wrinkled shirts to work, there is a pile of dirty dishes in the sink and my kids ate lunch out of the Froot Loops box yesterday. It was that engaging.

I only got a few pages into the second book this morning because I need to clean my house. My book club people are coming over tonight and I can't let them see how I really live.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thirty and Flirty and Thriving

Today I am thirty years old. Please bear with me for some random reflections.

I have been on this earth for three decades and can say that I have never felt better. I guess being thirty means I can finally feel comfortable in my own skin.

I've got some wrinkles...the ones I notice most are the two vertical lines that form where my nose meets my eyebrows. Apparently I furrow my brow often. Matter of fact, I am doing it right now. Quinn sometimes smoothes my scowl-wrinkles out with his thumb when I am concentrating.

At this phase in my life I am wife, mother, and part-timer at the old trustee's office. I am busy. I remind myself often that I would rather be busy than bored.

I feel fulfilled in my roles and know that things are playing out exactly how they are supposed to be.

I love my family. My husband is pretty much the most incredible man on earth. This morning he:

1. made me french toast.
2. cleaned the house (even vacuumed!)
3. fixed the car
4. surprised me with a Kitchen-Aide (what the what!? I am so excited.)

Being a mother has introduced me to some new emotions. The love I feel for my children is intense to say the least and can sometimes only be described as ferocious (like when I screamed at the goose at Wheeler Farm for biting my child. I really scared some 5 year olds when I did that. I'm not really proud of that).

When I sit back and take stock of things I just feel really grateful for each and every breath. I feel full of love for the people around me. I feel excited and hopeful about the future.

Here's to thirty. and flirty. and thriving.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love My Valentine

10. Because he is so, so handsome. I thought he was hot when I met him eighteen years ago but every year he becomes better and better looking.

9. He is HILARIOUS. The guy cracks me up at least once a day. He makes me laugh so hard I get the hiccups.

8. My Quinn...let's say he has a bit of a rebelious side. I'm not gonna lie- I like it.

7. I also love the fact that Quinn loves to help people (the rebel with a heart of gold....every woman's fantasy. Okay, maybe just mine). Seriously, if you need help moving or laying sod or painting your house...he's always willing to lend a hand. Love that about him.

6. My babe is a good driver. And he likes to drive which is a good thing because I do not like to drive. A match made in heaven.

5. There are many things I love about Quinn that I can list here and a few that I cannot. I will just leave it at that.

4. I absolutely love those wrinkles that appear in the corners of his eyes when he smiles. I find them incredibly sexy. Especially when he is smiling at me or my children.

3. He's a manly man. He fixes cars, chops wood, does home repairs, and can put anything together.

2. Quinn is a fantastic husband and father. And he always puts his family first. He is a protector and provider.

And the number one reason why I love my valentine.....

He does a wicked impression of Punky Brewster's dad.