Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bag Lady

These are some pictures I took a few months ago.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Am I the only one who sometimes feels

as if I am just a kid masquerading as an adult? Even though I am married and have two children of my own.

That's how I felt today.

Let me set the scene:

Stake Conference. We're doing well for about an hour and then Lola starts acting crazy. It is blazing hot in there (I knew I wasn't the only one who felt that way when I looked over and saw that Quinn had removed his shoes) so I take Lola's sweater off. She thinks I am also going to take her dress off and completely hulks out when she discovers that her dress is staying on. I also notice that her cheeks are BRIGHT red. I decide she's reached the point where attempting to keep her subdued in our little area is not an option. I take her up the aisle and out into the hallway where she continues her freak-out and keeps tugging on her dress. I'm starting to wonder how long it's been since Lola has worn that dress and what size it is. I slide my finger down the front of her dress and it is tight. No wonder she is freaking out.

It's not long before I see Quinn and Forr. At this point, logic tells me that if the entire family is out in the hallway we might as well just go home (there was only 15 minutes left anyway). Lola screams all the way to the car and keeps screaming until we enter the freeway and Quinn turns the radio up really really loud because that has been known to quiet the savage Lola. She did stop screaming (either that or I just couldn't hear it over the radio) but the radio wouldn't turn back down. Quinn begins laughing maniacally. Then Forr starts disciplining Quinn for laughing at Lola and making her feel bad which just makes him laugh even harder.

I find myself thinking of my friend I ran into and chatted with out in the hallway at the meeting. Or countless others in my ward. Those women that always seem so confident and their kids are always so clean and well-behaved. And normal. Would any of them ever find themselves in a situation like this?

Honestly, who knows? And I guess I don't really care. We're crazies and maybe it is a result of how I was raised but I wouldn't feel comfortable being part of any family that wasn't a bit (or a lot) crazy??? Oh, and no offense to my family- I mean that as a sincere compliment.

Oh yeah, in case you were wondering, Lola's dress...6-9 months.

Lola is 19 months old.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

the christmas post

I have a bit of catching up to do so it's gonna be a long one. Bear with me here.

Firstly, we have had two new babies.

Meet Sadie Jane

and Kohen David.

Secondly, we had houseguests. We were so sad when they had to go home. Love you guys. The houseguests:

Lisal (with Chad aka Mr. Ed in the background)


Nate and Lo's

I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK. Quinn and Nate chopped some wood and made a fire.

Thirdly, there was a sledding trip involving lots of cousins

Afterwards they all came over for dinner. It was especially fun to see Cade and Courtney (in from the AZ)

Val and Merritt and Grandma

Jen and Ron

Grandpa and Lola

All of the kids are MIA in the pictures because they turned feral downstairs.

Then came Christmas morning:

Next was omelets at Grandma and Grandpa's

The omelet man, himself:

The blurry newlyweds

Jeff, Em, and Liam

My boys


Immediately following was lunch at the other Grandma and Grandpa's

Weston and Forr

Uncle Jared helping Lola and Taeya find Goldbug

Lola and Taeya

Sweet. Now I can cross "Christmas blog post" off my to-do list.