Thursday, February 24, 2011

simple math

Apparently mae + quinn = chubby cheeks. Proof, if you like:



And, finally, the newest member of the club, Elias:

Heaven help me, I just can't stop kissin em.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

helpful kitchen hints

1. Don't use your stove top as a counter (aka- don't pile crap on it).
2. Make sure you turn on the correct burner.

Failure to follow these simple rules may ruin your cookbook and fill your kitchen with acrid fumes that make your dog sneeze ten thousand times.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

that about sums it up

1. My cute niece has Beiber-fever so I keep hearing his CD when I see her. Now I can't stop singing "baby, baby, baby, oooh" to my baby.

2. Will The Biggest Loser people please send their doctor to makeover week so they can do something about his weird hair??

3. I did the Insanity fit test this morning and discovered I'm way less coordinated and in shape than I thought. I also don't think I'll be able to walk tomorrow.

4. Next time I'm meeting someone at a gas station to make a exchange I will remember to ask what kind of car they drive. It would eliminate some embarassing staring issues.

4. Note to self: make sure you're signed into your own google account (not your husbands) when making comments on your friends blogs. It might seem weird and creepy to your friends to have your husband making silly comments on their blogs...

5. Is anyone else really annoyed by the woman in the RC Willey commercials??

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

the price you pay

On the morning these photos were taken (since I'm not a same-day blogger...wish I was) I did some yoga, took a shower, and had a nice lenghthy chat with my cousin.

I guess my rowdies were bored because they tore up this box.

No big deal really. Thing I really wanted to share with you was the reason this little girl's face and hair is wet.

You can't really tell in the photo but she's got wet dreds and her shirt is wet also.

The reason? She's been drinking from the dog's dish.

None of this really disturbs me all that much. I's the price I'm willing to pay for a bit of freedom. You know- to do the yoga and shower and talk on the phone.

Completely unrelated but Quinn painted the kids' faces over the weekend. They were thrilled.