Friday, June 19, 2009

Future Plumber??

Forrest will turn three in a few months and is getting very independent. So, naturally he wants to go potty all by himself. First he tells me that he has to go and after I follow him into the bathroom and help him get situated he glowers at me and tells me that he wants me to leave the room. Fine with me. Independence is great. I am all for independence.

So the other day after we went through this routine, I made my retreat and closed the door and I started ironing or vacuuming or stuffing my face with bon bons. Eventually I realize that many minutes have passed since I left Forr in the bathroom and it was very quiet. Quiet sometimes scares me. I thought I'd better check it out.

I opened the door and nothing seemed amiss but I detected an odor in the air so I knew that some "business" had been done. The toilet was flushed and I noticed that there was water splashed all over the toilet.

"Forrest, why is there water all over the toilet?" I asked.

Forrest pointed to the plunger and said, "I got that and I put it in and I pumped it and I pumped it." Keep in mind that while he is telling me this he is doing the international sign for plunge the toilet.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby

Lola Loly Lo's Lolio Lolita

Has one year already passed since you made your sweet debut into our family?

I remember your birth vividly and the tender moments that followed. I marveled at your perfect, tiny features as I held you close and whispered to you.

Now it's nearly impossible to imagine life without you. Your fiery spirit and dimpled smile bring so much joy and entertainment to our family.

Love ya, sis!



Friday, June 12, 2009

Epic Journey

Question: What crazy people would want to take three children under the age of three on a 1,200 mile (each way) road trip??

Answer: Me, my mom, my aunt, and my cousin.

A few weeks ago I spontaneously decided to join them on a trip to somewhere in middle America to attend, I guess I should say celebrate (since I didn't technically attend) my cousin, Ed's high school graduation. CONGRATS ED!!

We stayed with Rosie, my beautiful cousin who it turns out is a wonderful hostess. She made us feel so welcome, cooked us delicious food, left us goodie baskets in our rooms, and created a nut-free environment for my little Forr.

Here is the craziest part: the drive was freaking awesome. Between the four adults and the portable DVD player the kids were no problem. We girls had some serious late night ( early morning) laugh-so-hard-you-have-tears-running-down-your-face-and-you-might-be-peeing fits. We also pigged out on junk, read lots of celebrity trash mags, and had some good conversation...pretty much a slumber party.

Some random tidbits:

My aunt pointed out to me that I had poop smeared on my chest at a gas station (chalk that one up to taking a road trip with a baby that has diarrhea).

I made the switch from regular to diet. Big step for me.

Favorite quote of the drive: "It's guts were still shiny." My cousin, Sara, describing some fresh roadkill.

On a side note: I couldn't post any pics because I left my camera in the Midwest.