Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February and April

Two months out of the year that give me heartburn.

Why? Because those are the months out of each year Uncle Sam forces me to have my elderly vehicles checked for emissions and safety. Maybe this isn't a big deal for you folks with cars manufactured in the year 00 or higher but for us it tends to be a problem.

This year the Lord was smilin' on us because there was no check engine light on the dash when February rolled around. Honestly, the things some people take for granted!

Naturally, I thought it was in the bag. Gonna pass for sure....right??


Apparently a car needs a tailpipe and a muffler in order to pass inspection. Who knew?

p.s. I thought about arguing that it had passed for the last 3 years without either but I didn't think it would help my case...

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Some things I don't want to forget about January 2012.

-Drying Lola's hair after her bath. I turn the thermostat up a degree so the heater comes on (she thinks it's magic). We sit on the floor of my bedroom and she puts her little feet on the heat vent and covers them up with my robe.

-Forrest lost his first tooth a few weeks ago. The space in his teeth gives him the cutest lisp.

-Eli's chubby legs. I cannot get enough of them. I just want to squeeze them and kiss them all day. He's a honey for sure.

-Right now I am (sloppily) patching a quilt that Quinn's mother made for us after we got married. I'm patching it because our psychotic dog ripped it up while using it in a game of 'be annoying with a tennis ball'.

I realized that I have spent that dog's entire life being really pissed at her and then loving her afterwards. She's beginning to ail and I have to wonder...when she's gone and I use the quilt will I look at the patches and lovingly remember all the good times we had (most of them pre-children of course) or will I just remember all the times she made me want to push her out of the car while driving by the humane society.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011 Christmas Post

Yes it came and went. It was fantastic.


Now, this was a very big deal to some around our house.

Merry Christmas Pops.

Have you ever seen a cuter owl in your entire life?

Good old Santa did not forget to bring Ashes something.

Now if you'll excuse me I guess I had better go find a wire hanger because somehow the bathroom door got locked with the light on and nobody inside.