Wednesday, July 28, 2010

bodily functions

This afternoon someone (I wouldn't want to mention any names cough*forrest*cough)peed inside one of my living room cabinets.

I'm still not sure why.

This evening, I had a "chocolate or poop" moment involving a brown blob in my entryway.

Unfortunately for me it was the latter.

At age seventeen, I truly had no idea how much my late twenties/early thirties would involve poop and pee.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Some Baby News

Last Friday we had our ultrasound.

We marveled at modern medicine as we watched our newest family member wiggle around in utero on the screen.

Our baby's kidney function is great. Apparently they can tell this by the level of amniotic fluid present which I learned at this stage of pregnancy is actually just baby pee.

We got to see all four chambers of the heart pumping like gang-busters. According to the doctor they look great.

They were also able to tell us that our baby doesn't have a cleft palatte. Our baby has two arms and two legs and appears to be healthy in every way which I find miraculous considering everything involved in a developing fetus. My heart swells with love and I feel fiercely protective of this tiny being growing inside me.

Oh yeah, in case you're's a boy!!!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My little Rock Starts

Rock Start is Lola-speak for Rock Star.

I swore I would NEVER buy my kids awful, plastic guitars. It was just a little rule I had like never buying them tennis shoes with characters on them. I don't know why, I just don't like them (sorry if your kids are wearing them).

We were at the DI the other day (I love the DI- go ahead and ask me if my shirt itches...'cause it did when you had it). Whatever, I love the DI. Anyway I let the kids each take $5 of their own money to spend (note: that was too big of a time it will be $2). Guess what toy Forr picked up and got all Tom Petty with? A huge, hideous, purple, Kawasaki toy guitar. He was into it. Man, was he into it. He was holding it all cool and just completely rockin' out. I was disappointed to say the least but turned it over to see if it was below the $5 mark. "Awe shucks buddy. This costs $10 dollars. That's more than you have." I acted sad when I told him but I sure wasn't.

Well, as luck would have it, a very sweet DI employee overheard this exchange and went to see what she could do about that $10 price tag on that guitar (no no no nooooooo nooooooooooooo I tried to mentally connect with her but she wasn't havin' it). She came back and informed Forrest that the Kawasaki "Mega Chords" guitar was really only $2. Her incredible kindness didn't end there. She also found a Hannah Montana guitar for Lola which was also $2. Lola could care less though. She has maybe picked it up twice since we brought them home a few weeks ago.

The kicker- the volume on Forr's guitar is broken. It's not broken on the soft end either- it's turned up all the way, all the time. It does not make beautiful music. It's mind-numbing and headache-creating and pretty much drives me IN. SANE. But what do I do? I pretend I love it.

The silver lining: I get to listen to the songs he makes up while he plays it. I heard one about an ugly woman who only wore her underpants and she was mean because she didn't want any playdates.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer 2010

So I feel so uncreative in my blogging technique lately. My brain has pretty much turned into oatmeal...not even hot fresh steel cut oats with butter and brown's the stuff that gets left on the stove for hours and turns cold and globby. That's my brain. For example, yesterday I was getting so frustrated because the dryer wouldn't turn on. It took me a great while to discover that I was trying to turn it on with the door wide open...

Preg update: feeling great! Loving yogurt, fruit, and cereal. I think it's a boy but we will find out for sure in a few weeks.

Have you all been dying for another slideshow full of pictures of my children? Well, you're in luck!

To begin, did you all know that Lola is a princess? Well, she is. Thanks grandma and grampa for the outfit (SO ADORABLE!!) Notice that she is wearing her "ball shoes." They are called that not because she could wear them to a ball or something, just because of the balls on them.

Everytime I bake something, Forrest goes about the very serious business of washing all the dishes for me. As you can tell by his face, he takes the job very seriously.

These are all pictures of mommy's belly with a baby inside drawn by Forrest. Pretty good I'd say.

Mi familia. How I adore them...

Quinn was "moving the lawn" as Lola calls it and came around the corner to find these babies sharing a moment. So adorable.

Oh yeah. Here is our 2nd strawberry harvest. Crazy, right? Yep, crazy yummy.

Everyone have a great 4th!!