Saturday, January 17, 2009

strange things afoot at the circle k

A few weeks ago I was walking into my neighborhood grocery store, Harmons (da da). Did anyone get that?? From the old Harmon's commercials...nevermind.

Anyway, I am walking through the parking lot and can't help but notice an older model brown Ford LTD crammed, I mean CRAMMED full of....(is the suspense killing you??)...bread. All kinds of hostess wonderbread, hamburger buns, hot dog buns, you name it it was in there. The passenger seat was full, the backseat was full and the trunk was also brimming with wonderbread. How do I know that? Because it was open. Weird, I know.

The specatacle brought many questions to my mind. Who was this person? Where in the world did they get all of this bread? It made me think of my grandma's older-folks apartment when sometimes there was a stash of bread in the foyer that was fair game for anyone who wanted it. However, there was never in that foyer anywhere near the quantity of bread I saw in this person's LTD. The most pressing question the bread-car aroused was, "why oh why don't you have your camera so you can show that one person who reads your blog a picture of this bread-car?"

Surprisingly as time went on I forgot all about the bread car. Until yesterday.

Yesterday I was driving back from, you guessed it, my neighborhood grocer. I was thinking about whatever happened to be rolling around between my ears at any given moment and I saw the bread car! It was parked in front of a chain-link fence blocking off a canal in an area frequented by all sorts of folks feeding ducks.

The presumed owner of the bread-car was elderly and doing some fantastic gymnastical maneuvers in an attempt to get handfuls of bread over the fence to the eager ducks waiting on the other side. Here is the kicker: I know the owner of the bread car. He lives behind me.

Are you waiting for the point of this story? Well, guess what? There isn't one.


  1. the crazy thing is.. i can totally hear you telling this story. i can hear your voice and the incredulous tone in your voice about the bread car... kinda weird huh? you're a great story teller. keep em up. they're very entertaining as always :)

  2. Okay that is weird that you actually were wondering about the bread car and then you found out what it was for. What are the odds?

  3. The bread man is the new cat lady.

  4. It was JACK wasn't it? HA! That is HIlarious. I assume it was the old bread they were getting rid of. This is definitely one of my favorite stories you've written, very Handey-esque.
    p.s. sorry about the political convo the other day.
