Tuesday, May 17, 2011

bits and pieces

A numbered list of blogworthy items:

1. We're currently knee-deep in an exhausting front yard makeover which should come to a head on Saturday (provided it isn't snowing). Maybe I'll post pictures when it's done. But if I'm being honest- it's not likely that I'll actually get around to doing that. We'll see.

2. Lola has taken an excerpt from a children's book about Samson: "Oh Lord, make me strong just one more time," and she keeps saying it at random times when doing something difficult. Like when trying to open the front door. Or going number 2.

3. Last Sunday, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Forrest shovel a huge handful of sacrament bread into his mouth while giving the deacon a sideways glace. Then, with a straight face he told me, "it wasn't more than one piece...it was just one really large piece."

4. Don't tell the environmentalists but I keep running my dishwasher nearly empty so I don't have to wash bottles. I hate hate HATE washing out bottles.

5. If you want a laugh and don't have cable, turn your TV to channel 16-2 after 10 pm. They play episodes of He-man. They are super-funny but I think the show would be a little more realistic if they showed Prince Adam or He-man in a tanning bed, getting his roots touched up, and having his little friend with the "O" on his nightgown injecting him in the behind with anabolic steroids.

The End


  1. That is so funny. I think we might have that same book about Samson. Your kids are hilarious. I miss you!

  2. You people are sick, wicked, funky, misanthropic, co-dependent animals! And I won't have my sister, who was once the Queen of the Mardi Gras, sitting at a table with a pickle-shooting train!

  3. oh fausto, did you know that flipper is dead?

  4. bottle washing does suck. i agree completely. often times i find myself washing one really quick while baby is screaming. not good. especially when you have a neighbor knock on your back door to inform you your baby is crying. i need to move. :)

  5. You are so funny and your kiddos are even funnier! I love you guys.

  6. My fingers are pointed at Kevan, Karen, or possibly Quinn.

  7. hahahahahaha ah Maegs, you're the best!

    He-Man is streaming live on Netflix and coincidentally, we watched one episode last week to see if Mosey would get into it. He was mildly intrigued but for the most part, I spent the episode wondering WHY I was such a huge fan of this "closet homosexual" hero. Pink shirt, purple tights, long blonde hair? uuuh...

    Don't get me started on how dorky Skeletor sounds!
