Elias Walker Evans born 11/12/10 at 1:30 pm 5 lbs. 15 oz.
He surprised us all by coming 3 weeks plus 1 day early. What a happy surprise!
Mommy loves him
Daddy loves him
Forr and Lo love him too
Some details:
I started having regular contractions last Thursday at about 7:30 pm. Considering my other babies were late and I had to be induced with both, I was sure I was in fake labor and the contractions would stop. Alas, they kept coming. Around 11:00 pm I informed my sweet husband that we should possibly pack some bags.
We arrived at the hospital around 2:00 am on Friday morning where my contractions decided to slooooooow waaaaaaay down. Frustrating. We hung out and hung out and walked around the maternity ward until the nurse broke my water around 12:45 pm. Baby came like a freight train! Neither the doctor nor the doula made it in time for the delivery. Two sweet nurses delivered the baby. It was exciting. Eli's delivery was a beautiful experience which I will never forget. Quinn was the best doula ever! He was truly amazing.
We have been home for just a week and our baby has been having trouble gaining weight. It seems like all I do is try to force food into a sleeping baby, pump, and wash bottles. He has another doctor appt tomorrow and I feel like we are on The Biggest Gainer. I hope he has put on some ounces. I'll keep you posted.