Friday, November 4, 2011

ta da and halloween

The chest I mentioned yesterday needed some carpentry work that I wasn't feeling ambitious enough for. Oh yeah it also happens to be locked with the key in an envelope on the inside (how did that happen??! I really have no idea). I wasn't quite sure how to solve that I did something else.

Here is a before picture of an old Motorola record player I found at the DI for $10.00:

I gave it a little bit of love and voila! I LOVE love love it.

I covered the speakers with some of that faux tin stuff people use for kitchen backsplashes. It was kinda pricey ($20 per sheet and I needed 2). I weally wuv it.

Halloween. Lola, the lovely little witchy-poo.

Here's lizzie and sara dressed as Bethany Hamilton and the shark that ate her arm.

I'm going to go out on a limb (he he) here and say that was the best costume at my parent's Halloween party. Which was super fun. Here are the rest of us biotches:

Forrest, I am your mother. Please ignore my divey house in the background.

And seriously. Eli the dragon. He looked so cute but HATED his costume. He just kept pulling the hood off. There were pants that went with it but for some reason they aren't on in this picture. I can't believe this boy will turn 1 next week!! What the what!

The End.


  1. JD was THE SAME dragon!!

    Love it!!!

    Miss you!!

  2. Love the remodel! The color, the tin, just all of it!

  3. Missing the Halloween Party is horrible! Missing you is even worse. Love you!

  4. Wow good job on that! It really is cool.

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE it all. The pics, the costumes, and especially that gorgeous new piece of furniture. Why can't our goodwill have good stuff like that?

  6. omg Maegan, you should have a show! I LOOVE that piece of furniture you redid - awesome! And of course, who doesn't love Halloween pics?
