Thursday, November 3, 2011

ah yes, the blog

Spray painting weather is quickly disappearing and I have two projects waiting in my queue (aka the garage). My phone says it's supposed to get up to 55 degrees I'm going to seize the day.(Anyone else thinking of Newsies??)

I've scrounged up a couple of bucks to get some orange spray paint, legs for a chest I found at the DI (do they sell legs for stuff at Home Depot? I'm gonna find out today), some sandpaper, and maybe I'll swing by TJ Maxx for some orange pillows.

I'm feeling hopeful that I will post the after pictures and not leave another unfinished blog post--like the paper towel one. It really wasn't my fault because my Costco stopped selling the smaller size paper towels so I couldn't finish the experiment. I was also informed of how unscientific my experiment was anyway.

I digress. As soon as my adorable Eli wakes up I'm off to the hardware store!