Thursday, November 10, 2011

An Interrogation and Possibly a Solution

Are you tired of your hair? If your answer is no, then good for you. If your answer is yes, read on.

Are you a total cheapskate? If your answer is no, then by all means, go to a salon and pay $120.00 to get your hair done (princess what?). If your answer is yes, read on.

Is your hair dark brown or black? If your answer is no, I'm sorry I can't help you. If your answer is yes, read on mi amiga.

Anyone care to ombre????? (I really have no clue how to spell that...hombre or ombre???) That's what the kids are callin' it. Here is a picture of my ombre hair:

I realize that I am making a horribly ugly kissy face in that picture and I apologize for that. Here's the back. Sorry it's a phone picture and the lighting in my bathroom is not great.

If you think it's hideously ugly and would rather sinead o'connor than do that to your hair I can respect that but if you might want to try it on!

The 12 year old at Sally Beauty Supply with pink/black/white hair sent me home with these supplies:

Not pictured is a dry packet of powder to mix with the pink bottle of developer. So we have the dry packet of bleach powder, developer, "darkest brown" dye for the old rootsies, and a brush. It all cost less than $15.00.

First, I dyed my roots according to the package instructions.

The next step is to convince your mother and sister to spend their Friday night at your place experimenting on your hair. Once that's taken care of, you can begin.

My lovely sister spent approximately 3 hours (only a slight exaggeration) ratting my hair into a giant globe. I'm talking Diana Ross, here. The ratting of the hair is vital because it will make it so you don't have a blunt line of color. The idea is a gradual change of color.

Next, mix the powder bleach packet with the pink developer. The 12 year old's instructions were to aim for the consistency of yogurt.

Next, have your mother paint bleach on the ends of your hair by section. You'll want to wrap each section in foil to pretend you're at the salon and also to protect the rest of your hair from spots of bleach...unless you're going for the "leopard look". Paint the bleach up as high as you want your color to go. We didn't go super high up on my hair- we opted for conservative since we had no clue what we were doing. Leave it on for 25 minutes or until you have reached the color your heart desires.

I quit being lazy and pulled out my point-and-shoot and took a better pic.

I love it. Thanks mom and chels!!


  1. Love the hair! Love that you are so real on your blog. And I cannot get over how big those kiddos are! So cute!

  2. It's so cute! I gave myself a weave the other day which reminds me, I need to go to Sally Beauty Supply and have a 12 year old tell me how to fix it.


  3. LOOKS grrreat Maegan - ok so how do I set an appointment at your salon?
