Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Eli's 1

My baby turned one!

Oh my but do I love him

Some things you should know about Eli.

1. He has started growling the word no at us. The funny thing is that he sounds just like Lola sounds when she growls the word no at him.
2. When he gets really excited about something (like food) he twirls his feet around in little circles. So adorable.
3. He is a total daddy's boy. He likes me OK when Quinn isn't around but when Daddy's home the kid wants nothin' to do with me.

Did I mention how much I love him?
Cuz I do.
He's a gummy bear.

Happy birthday baby.


  1. Oh Happy Birthday cute boy! Such a happy kid. Just melts my heart every time I see him!

  2. I want to kiss those kissy cheeks right now.


  3. He is such a handsome little man! I love it when he twists his feet :) Happy Birthday Eli!

  4. omg time flies!! He's a beast of a gummi bear Maegan - I swear he's 1/2 your total body weight already, what a cutie!!
