Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Q: What's big, hairy, and a bit scary?

A: Forrest's new pet, Flash the tarantula.

(sorry it's a sucky picture)

Quinn spotted the hairy arachnid on our front porch yesterday morning during the monsoon. I think he (I keep calling it a boy even though I have no idea how you tell if a spider is male or female??) was just trying to get out of the rain. When Quinn asked me to grab him a mason jar with a lid I had no idea it was so he could catch a tarantula.

It turns out that a tarantula is not a bad pet to have. Quinn did some research and apparently the biggest danger to your pet tarantula is being handled by a human so thankfully they don't need to be picked up and loved. However, they are very docile and when they get scared, their first instinct is to run- not bite.

All they require is a 5 gallon tank, dirt, water, occasional bugs to eat, and a place to hide. They don't even poop. Which I take to mean that they don't stink.

I have to admit that I keep imagining all the scenarios which would result in him getting out and being loose in my house---aaaahhhh! I am also wondering about who's going to reach their hand in his cage to give him a bug or more water. I can assure you that it won't be me.

On a completely unrelated note: my kids have been taking lots of pictures lately and amongst the pictures of carpet, curtains, and about 20 pics of some lady's plumber-crack at a parade, one of them happened to take a pic of my preg belly so here it is:

Can't wait to meet our new baby boy!!!


  1. You are toooooo nice. I should have called you to come get the huge old spider out of our basement last night. I about died. Cute prego pic. I forgot how cute you look pregnant!

  2. What the eff? They have tarantulas in Utah? Holy moly. You are a far better mama than I am.

  3. Tarantulas: ew! Sick, sick sick. Also, I heard they stink to high heaven. You'll have to update us as the days go by.

    Also, seriously cute belly.

  4. nate is going to be so jealous, he doesn't get to have a tarantula until he's 12. maybe i just won't tell him you kept yours. thanks again for letting us stay with you, we all had a great time.

  5. Whoa. I don't think I could sleep at night knowing that was in my house. Forrest looks so happy about his new pet :) And about the prego picture...jealous...so jealous. You look so cute and I look not so cute. Whatever. :)

  6. I am having anxiety about that already. I am scared for you. You are a brave soul.
