Tuesday, August 24, 2010

expensive lunch date

Today was doctor appts. Hooray.

Kidding. Wait, kidding about the hooray part, not the doc appt part.

Forrest had his 4 year old appt and Lola had a follow-up ear infection appt for an ear infection she had probably more than a month ago. That's how on top of things I am.

After the doc we met the hubs for lunch at Jimmy Johns. After we finished we were greeted by parking tickets on BOTH of our cars to the tune of $50 smackers apeice!! Apparently there were signs posted saying 'no jimmy johns parkers allowed' which I didn't see. Really, I didn't because I would have followed the rule.

Is it breaking the rule if you didn't see the sign?

For my revenge, I'm considering staging a stake out in that parking lot in order to find the secret spy who sits and watches for rule breakers in order to put tickets on their cars. I'm thinking I might just tell that secret spy how lame I think that is.

The end.


  1. I'm sorry, that sucks. If it makes you feel any better, I got my car impounded from a parking lot where I didn't see the signs and it was $200.00 + $55 to get my "free" Dave Matthews tickets out of the car and an additional and unkown $25/day that my car was in their lot and it was there for 1 1/2 days and they tried making us pay for both days. Try being a bitch. That's what I did and I got the $55 and one of the $25 waved. I'm still so sorry this happened to you. :(

  2. WHAT!? Where'd you two park?? At that burger joint next to Jimmy Johns??

    That sucks!

    That's what you get for tryin to have some family time I guess... :(

  3. I've been off the grid . . . love the Dr. Laura post.
