Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Forr is Four!

What!!!! How the heck did that happen?

I remember waiting anxiously for your birth. You were a week late. In August. It was brutal.

I also remember waiting anxiously for your birth in the hospital. Pushing for 3 1/2 hours and your chubby little self just didn't want to come out. decided to make your entrance into my life. I remember you laying on my chest immediately after delivery, all purple and your poor little head was so bruised and deformed. I remember that moment exactly. "We did it," I whispered to you. I thought you were beautiful. I still do.

You think you're so rough and tough now. Such a big boy but you are still my little strawberry. My little strawberry who gives me a biiiiig hug and kiss first thing every morning. I love the way you talk to and kiss your new little brother (who is still in my tummy). I also love your impossibly big blue eyes.

I often think about what you will be like as a grown man. I pray that I do right by you and am the kind of mommy you deserve.

I love you so much. Happy Birthday.



1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Forrest!! It was on Sunday right?? I am so sorry we didn't get to got the park Miley was SO sad. I found her in her room trying to get dressed ( I had put her in her PJ's following the barfing) and I asked her what she was doing and she said, "I have to go to the park with Forrest. I have to!!" It was so sad. Then yesterday she asked me if we could call you on Monday and leave a message asking your if you can come to the Castle park someday.
