Monday, September 27, 2010

Some Very Important Items

Much to our surprise yesterday after 2 months of flat-out refusing to be in the primary program Forrest decided to join the other children on the stand in the chapel. We didn't pressure him or make a big deal about but I really did hope he would decide to it. He also waltzed up to the microphone to say his part when it was his turn which surprised the heck out of me and totally made me cry. Meanwhile, Lola was beating up my mom and calling her names in the pew.

AND...Lola's potty-trained. All it really took was getting her some tinkerbell panties and she was there. She spent 2 weeks carting around armloads of panties and studying them every time she sat down.

Lola also got some new glittery Sunday shoes that obviously hurt her ankles. She refuses to let me put band-aids on the parts of her foot that the shoes rub raw but also insists on wearing the shoes so she just sort of hobbles around in them. My mom came up to watch the primary program yesterday and we had to laugh because both she and I were wearing shoes that hurt our feet. The three of us hobbled out to the car after the block. What can I say besides: beauty hurts.

And I haven't called Cache Valley to complain about the unmeltable cheese because my to-do list is already too long:
1. Make DDS Appts.
2. Find out if Lola needs a booster shot for the flu shot she got last week.
3. Get Forr's bloodwoork done and get him into the allergist.
4. Get Lola out of her crib and into a bed.
5. Show Forrest pictures of what lungs looks like.
6. Many many household chores are also on this list but I am not going to mention any of them.


  1. Beauty DOES hurt. I'm so proud of Forrest. And Lola.


  2. Yay! We are all potty trained, too. I'll never know how it is to have a little kid insist on wearing certain shoes. My boys couldn't care less!!!

  3. Happy for Lola! You guys are adorable. I miss you.

  4. BRAVO Forrest! Mosey could learn a thing or two from you cause he flat out REFUSED to join his mates recently for our ward Primary Program!

    Aaaw, Lola get's it from her mama & grandmama! hahahaha
