Tuesday, September 14, 2010

my dream guy

Last night was pretty bad between the sick 4-year-old and the newly potty trained 2- year-old that woke up 2wice to go potty in the toilet (weird, right?? but I'm not complaining).

Even though he had to go work today and I didn't, he helped me with the kids last night. I mean pretty much all night -we both woke up feeling as if we hadn't gone to bed.

He called to check on me this morning and I told him I felt like I was moving through molasses. He asked if I needed to go anywhere because he had accidentally taken both sets of keys to work. I told him since I was pretty sure we had enough children's motrin to last through the day he didn't need to worry about getting the keys back to me.

As I was getting out of the shower I heard the kids running into the kitchen screaming, "daddy! daddy!" which they always do when he comes home. He brought me car keys, children's motrin, and a raspberry cream cheese danish from the bakery down the street. All this despite the fact that he is SWAMPED at work.

After lunch, I horked the entire thing down in about 10 seconds and then texted him to tell him thanks and that it was delicious. He texted me back that he loved me.

The truth is that this behavior isn't even rare. This is the guy I get all the time.

I have the best husband ever. ever. ever.


  1. Pastries and motrin? That is love, baby.

  2. P.S. My word verification thingie was "boosoms." Snicker. Ha ha. Bwwahhh!

    Seventh grade called. It wants its sense of humor back.

  3. Quinn is wonderful. I especially love it when he is scaring the crap out of my kids. For the record, you're pretty wonderful yourself.

  4. You go Quinn. You are my dream man as well. Such a good father/husband.

  5. What a sweet guy! Nothing beats a surprise treat from your man!

  6. That is awesome. Quinn is such a good man. How great that your kids go running and screaming when daddy comes home!!
