Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Incident....and your opinion please

I had a doctor's appt today (I have just over 9 weeks until a child will be emerging from my body to change my existence forever). We got outta there around 10:30 and did NOT want to go home since we have been cooped up in The Vomitorioum (which has been my house) for the past 2 days.

We decided to kill some time at the library downtown. The kids section was pretty stinkin' cool and Forr and Lo were having a great time exploring. While they were playing Magic School Bus computer games I called my Dad to see if he wanted to meet us for lunch, which he did, and we decided to stay and play for about 5 more minutes and then we were going to head out.

Since it is still GLORIOUS weather we wanted to check out the outdoor part of the kids section on our way out. A few tables with chairs were set up and there were two huge walls with water cascading down next to the tables. There was a woman sitting at one of the tables and she was reading with her daughter who looked to be about 6. There were some pretend hieroglyphics decorating a little cave area with several doors to go in and out. Well, my kids were so happy not to be puking anymore and to be outside in the sunshine so of course they were running around and having fun which included some shouting. Big deal. We were outside.

Apparently it was a big deal because after about 2 minutes the woman at the table slammed her children's book shut and shouted something about peace and quiet. I was perplexed/shocked so I asked her, "Oh, are we bothering you?" She didn't say anything so I let me kids run around some more. She started huffing and puffing and packing all of her stuff up really crazy-like and so I said, "don't leave on our account, we have to leave anyway." to which she didn't reply...she wouldn't even look at me she was just slamming things around and pretty much throwing a childish tantrum. What could I do but laugh out was funny. She didn't think my laughing was funny and she growled at me. Really, she did. A grown woman growled at me today. I told my kids it was time to go meet Grampa and we left. I was bewildered and spent the entire walk to my car wondering what the heck just happened.

Okay, I get that it was the library and you're supposed to be quiet. But outside in the kids section????? Besides, my kids were being rowdy but it wasn't like they were jumping on her table or anything. I'm not sure what I would have done had we not had the lunch date with my dad. I'm not much one for fighting in general and by nature am not confrontational but I wouldn't want my kids to think that just because someone is being a jerk you have rearrange your day or go back inside or be quiet. I also thought of the saying about wrestling in the mud with a pig...

I don't know. What would you have done? Please share.


  1. My kids aren't EVER quiet at the library. Not even on the inside. If the lady wanted peace and quiet she shouldn't have been reading in the children's section at all. How weird that she growled at you! ha ha ha! I think that lady sounds like she was REALLY crazy!

  2. I totally agree with the lady above! How lame. And growling? :) Poor little 6-year-old girl, hopefully she always behaves perfect! ("What does the tiger say? grrr... What does mom say? ..?..grrr..." She might be too old for the now, but really...)

  3. I would have let me kids run and play. IT'S OUTSIDE. It's not going to be a totally quiet zone. That lady is a psycho. Do not give her a moment's thought. Or better yet - go back again and see if she's there and use your children to make her angry. :-)

  4. My favorite part of the story is that you laughed at her. I wish I would've been there with my son adding to the chaos. Sounds fun.

  5. She sounds CRAZY. I'm kind of a pushover and worry that my kids are driving everyone around us nuts all the time so I probably would have shushed mine but I would prefer to have more of a backbone and do what you did. You ROCK!

  6. You gave her a chance to say something more, but she decided to just whine about it and throw her little tantrum. I would probably have said something more. I'm getting bolder as I get older.
