Wednesday, July 28, 2010

bodily functions

This afternoon someone (I wouldn't want to mention any names cough*forrest*cough)peed inside one of my living room cabinets.

I'm still not sure why.

This evening, I had a "chocolate or poop" moment involving a brown blob in my entryway.

Unfortunately for me it was the latter.

At age seventeen, I truly had no idea how much my late twenties/early thirties would involve poop and pee.


  1. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still going to be laughing about that in an hour. ha ha ha!

  2. In your cabinet?!?!?! LOL!

    Sorry the other moment didn't turn out to be chocolate. Sounds like you could have used some.

  3. Hee hee we have had pee in the dishwasher before!

  4. wow.. Forrest is one comfortable little guy, eh? He's just marking his territory, I read that some where about puppies and how they like to do that.. HAHAHA 3 year old human children are the equivalency of a puppy in my world!

    P.S. Umm... did I read your blog correctly - did YOU poop in your entryway Maegs?? LOL

  5. Wow!! Thrilled that we never ate "dinner" at your house!
    Is this what I'm up against with boys?
    Yeah, we've had the same "chocolate" at our house also.
