Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011 Christmas Post

Yes it came and went. It was fantastic.


Now, this was a very big deal to some around our house.

Merry Christmas Pops.

Have you ever seen a cuter owl in your entire life?

Good old Santa did not forget to bring Ashes something.

Now if you'll excuse me I guess I had better go find a wire hanger because somehow the bathroom door got locked with the light on and nobody inside.


  1. Looks like a good one. We just got a Wii for the first time too and who knew Mario would be our new favorite family activity?

  2. It took me a second to figure out what Lola had on her head. Last time we saw you Forrest invited Andrew to come and play Wii with him. I would say they love it.

  3. Your posts always make me laugh out loud! glad you had a good Christmas!
