Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dear Diary

This is my husband.

What a handsome guy, eh?

Love the bald head.

Love love love the beard.

Love the crow's feet.

In this picture, however, the thing I find absolutely sexy is the dishtowel slung over his shoulder. It means he's been doing dishes and here he is washing the counter. Oh my. Someone get me a cold glass of water.

In other news:

Last week Forr told one of Quinn's co-workers that the blue eyeshadow she had caked on her eyes made him want to laugh. And laugh he did.
I realize my house is a hideous mess- we were putting away Christmas. Not to say it wouldn't be a hideous mess anyway.

Lola says adorable 2 year-oldish things like calling Alice in Wonderland Alice in Laundryland. And she named the little wooden puppet my parents brought her back from Italy Hokeydokeydoe which I'm pretty sure means Pinocchio.

Elias is now smiling lots. I think he is a real person after all instead of a cute little creature that just eats and sleeps. He is the

I realize he isn't smiling in any of these pictures. But he looks cute anyway.


  1. You and your darling kiddos are soo funny! haha! Way to go Forrest for saying it how it is!! Oh and Eli is so precious and looks just like you guys...obviously...but so fun!

  2. Eli is beautiful. Forrest is hilarious. Lola is adorable. Miss you!

  3. I must say that I too love to see my man do the dishes, or clean in general. Why don't they feel that way when we clean, hmm??
    Your kids are just darling and really are too funny!
