Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Fabricators

I just got home from pack meeting where Fabricator No. 1 told the nice couple that lives down the street, "my mom has shawp knives. She cuts my fingews with them."

She also kept telling me yesterday that "Forrest threw Grant down the staiws." Grant is my cousin's toddler who was over here yesterday but absolutely did not get thrown the stairs by Forrest. Unless I totally missed it. Which is a possibility but I'm 99% sure it didn't happen.

Fabricator No. 2.

This one keeps telling me that I fed him peanut cake and that that is why he keeps coughing. Seriously. When I tell him that the only only only time he has had peanuts was when he was a baby he tells me that what I am telling him is just not true.


  1. Your kids say the funniest things. Where do they come up with it??

  2. That is hilarious! Although I am not the mother so, it is probably more funny to me :)

  3. Very funny. Does Lola have an accent like Belle's??

  4. Forrest is the one who fell down the stairs, maybe Grant pushed him.

    Tell him if he ate peanut cake, he wouldn't be around to tell the tale.

  5. I'm siding with you kids on all these. What YOUR saying, about the peanuts in particular, is just NOT ture. Sorry Meg.

  6. Congrats on the little one. Totally jealous of the 3 weeks early and healthy!!

  7. HAHAHAHA lol Lola should have her own video blog! I'm not kidding, she's too cute!

    Forrest does not come off as a fibber to me though..maybe you really DID make him eat peanuts! lol just kidding!

    And yes CONGRATULATIONS on your new bundle of joy!
